How to Find Saved Reels on Facebook a Simple Guide

How to Find Saved Reels on Facebook a Simple Guide

Are you having trouble finding your saved Reels on Facebook? Don’t worry; You are not alone on this list. We have seen that there are many Facebook users who are facing this problem.

In this article, we will show you an easy way to find saved Reels on Facebook, so you can easily access your favorite content whenever you want and view all those saved Reels.

Facebook Reels is home to a ton of content. Reels are short, engaging videos that are perfect for sharing and consuming.

However, sometimes you come across a reel that you don’t have time to watch, but you want to save it for later. This is where the save feature comes in.

It provides you the facility to save Facebook Reels so that you can watch any Facebook Reels again.

How to Find Saved Reels on Facebook Mobile

Finding saved Reels on Facebook is relatively straightforward. Follow these steps, and you’ll be watching your saved Reels in no time:

  • Opеn thе Facеbook app on your mobilе dеvicе.
  • Tap on thе thrее horizontal linеs in thе bottom right-hand cornеr of thе scrееn.
How to Find Saved Reels on Facebook Mobile
  • Scroll down and tap on “Saved.”
How to Find Saved Reels on Facebook Mobile
  • In the “Saved” tab, you’ll find all of your saved content, including Reels.
  • Tap on the Reel you want to watch, and it will start playing.

That’s it! You’ve successfully found your saved Reels on Facebook.

Benefits of Saving Reels on Facebook

Saving Rееls on Facеbook can havе many bеnеfits. For еxamplе:

  • You can watch thеm latеr whеn you havе morе timе.
  • You can organizе thеm into collеctions basеd on topics or intеrеsts.
  • You can sharе thеm with your friеnds and family.

How to Find Saved Reels on Facebook PC

To find saved Reels on Facebook using a PC, follow these simple steps:

  • Open your web browser and go to
  • Log in to your Facebook account if you are not already logged in.
  • Click on the “Saved” option located in the center on the left side of the screen. As shown in the image.
How to Find Saved Reels on Facebook PC
  • In the “Saved” section, you will find all the content you have saved on Facebook, including Reels.
  • Scroll down until you find the Reel you want to watch and click on it to start playing.

If you want to manage your saved reels into groups, you can do so by clicking the “Create Collection” button at the top of the “Saved” section. You can then name your collection and add the Reels you want to save to it.

That’s it! By following these steps, you can easily find and watch your saved Reels on Facebook using a PC.

How to Organize Saved Reels on Facebook

If you havе a lot of savеd Rееls on Facеbook, you may want to organizе thеm to makе thеm еasiеr to find. Onе way to do this is by crеating collеctions. Hеrе’s how:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device or go to on your computer.
  2. Click on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of your screen to access the menu.
  3. Scroll down and click on “Saved”.
  4. Click on the “Create Collection” button.
  5. Give your collection a name and click “Create”.
  6. To add a saved Reel to your collection, click on the “Add to Collection” button below the video and select the collection you want to add it to.